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今天推出第二期演讲《四部纪录片带我漫游中国》,演讲者为两届奥斯卡奖获得者、英国导演柯文思(Malcolm Clarke)



Exploring contemporary China through the lens




Tonight, I'm going to tell you the story of four films that I have directed here in China in the recent past. Really the story is about how these films changed my mind first about China and how they changed the course of my career.

“读懂中国”主题演讲 | 柯文思:四部纪录片带我漫游中国

△柯文思(Malcolm Clarke)



Believe it or not, I'm really not this old. But I did come to China in 1981. I was a very young filmmaker when I first came here and I traveled around your country for months. And what I saw back in 1981 was a country that was still struggling with the ravages of poverty. The kind of poverty that we in Europe and in North America we hadn't really seen since the Industrial Revolution. It was a shock for me and it was an even bigger shock to return to China to see what you guys had achieved in the 30 years of my absence.


I spent 30 years making films around the world. I came back in 2013 to make a film called Better Angels. And it was a film that was about the future of the relationship between the United States and China.


You remember in the what they call the odds in the 2000s there was a lot of talk about this kind of vigorous competition between China and America on many subjects on global influence on the access to natural resources on technical preeminent. All those questions were very much in play. Yet back then both countries acknowledged that they needed each other. They were mutually dependent. So in retrospect I don't think we were completely crazy to think that we could make a film about a future that was more about cooperation than confrontation.


We finished our film in 2019. It took a long time to get it done. By the time we finished it, it was kind of a strange sprawling, optimistic counter narrative to everything that people were talking about with regard to China. It was a really hard time for us because the critical and political headwinds we faced were fierce. There was very little discussion actually about content but there was a lot of discussion about intent.


I learned a huge amount about China during those four years. And I came out of the experience far more enlightened about the true nature of this remarkable country and its people. The truth is few Americans few Western Europeans few people outside China really understand what China is today not to mention what it was 5,000 years ago but more importantly what it's likely to be in the future.


China is an enigma. It's a mystery. And frequently, when we don't understand something, unfortunately, we tend to fear it.

So that's why I decided to stay here in China. I saw an opportunity to tell Chinese stories to a wider world. I guess my ambition, my desire is that the films that we make can in some way act as a bridge between two cultures. Let other people around the world see what I have seen and what I have kind of come to understand about this amazing country.


But after four years of traveling around China making this film and also going abroad extensively to see how Chinese abroad are engaging with the rest of the world. I think I've drawn some conclusions and maybe learned a few lessons. Those are what I tried to put into Better Angels.

One of the things I learned was that Chinese people kind of exist definitely with a sense of their past greatness also have a very bitter sense of the couple of centuries of humiliation, colonial humiliation.

And then there's what you're doing today because China and Chinese people have a real sense of the extraordinary changes that are happening the achievements that China has come to in the last 30, 40 years. The 21st century is going to be China's century. Of that I have absolutely no doubt. And the Renaissance of your country is both relentless and it's inevitable. China's restoration is one of the preeminent civilizations on the planet is already well underway.

“读懂中国”主题演讲 | 柯文思:四部纪录片带我漫游中国



A French poet that I admire enormously, a man called Charles Baudelaire who invented the concept in his literature of the Flaneur, the Wanderer. Baudelaire wrote of his joy at setting up house in the heart of the multitude of being away from home and yet at home everywhere. And seeing the world and yet remaining hidden from the world. Now what Baudelaire was doing when he described the Flaneur was effectively describing the job, description of every documentary filmmaker who was going to come after him because that's exactly what I do and everybody in this trade does every day.

So it was that I decided that China would be the next world that I'd explore and that my multitude would be the Chinese people.


My Chinese producer Han Yi who I've worked with since 2013. We were busy doing press and publicity for the Better Angels film when news broke out of huge protests that were happening on the streets of Hong Kong. Suddenly China was very much in the crossheads. The Western press were pouring into Hong Kong to cover the story. So we went back. And even in those early days found it odd that the news coverage that I was seeing every day coming out of Hong Kong seemed to lack depth and substance.


What they were doing was an easy-to-digest confection of stories about heroic student protesters yearning for democracy and taking on the evil Chinese superstate. It wasn't difficult to sell that to a Western audience.

If only it had been true which it wasn't.


The problem was that from our experience that narrative only had a glancing relationship with the truth. It was a carefully curated, selectively edited group think and from our perspective and we were on the streets pretty much every day with the tear gas, with the pepper spray, with the petrol bombs that were being thrown around by both sides in the conflict.

There was a huge amount that wasn't being reported. So our intention which was to objectively memorialize what was happening without bias for either side was casting us in voices in the wilderness because we were very much in the minority telling that story.


Shortly after we were in Hong Kong rumors began to circulate about another huge story. A Chinese city under siege because of a virulent and deadly virus. At that time it was very difficult to get into Wuhan and both Han Yi and I knew that was going to be the big story for the foreseeable future.

The moment the Chinese government made the tough and politically risky decision to lock down a city of 11 million people. The Western press all howled condemning the measures. They called it draconian. And yet in hindsight what China did was common sense and the simple expedient of denying the virus hosts so that it could not thrive and it could not spread proved to be both obvious and extraordinarily effective.


My team and I witnessed tremendous heroism in Wuhan. We saw fortitude and bravery and just these extraordinary scenes of 42,000 doctors and nurses many of them very very young, your age, and also another 40,000 construction workers. All those people descended on Wuhan in a matter of days and we were there through it all watching these people endure the lockdown watching the citizens of Wuhan, who, I'm sure, were not happy to be locked down, but because they trusted their government and because their government trusted their scientists.


We were able to after just 76 days be there when the lockdown was lifted and the celebrations happened.

It was an extraordinary moment.

What we witnessed during those months of shooting was for all of us profoundly moving. We saw the best of the Chinese people and in the film that we made we tried to tell their stories honestly and without bias.

My only regret from that experience is that still today far too few people in China to some extent

but abroad to a great extent know the truth of China's achievement and if only people could have seen what we saw in Wuhan on a daily basis. Not only the heroism of young inexperienced doctors and nurses but also their fear and confusion. And through it all, their dedication to meet head on and beat a deadly challenge.

Now, I don't delude myself that the work we're going to do is going to change the world. But someone has to try and cover these big stories and if you're going to cover them you have to cover them honestly in a fair and balanced way.

That's the reason that I chose for my last film.

“读懂中国”主题演讲 | 柯文思:四部纪录片带我漫游中国



Actually, it wasn't a film. It was four short films called A Long Cherished Dream.


I got very interested in this kind of initiative in China, called Xiaokang, poverty alleviation. Something which has happened over the last few years in China has been barely even noticed in the west, but it's an extraordinary success.Since 1949 China has lifted 650 million people out of poverty. That is extraordinary. It's amazing and it's laudable.

I checked the numbers and, in my lifetime, China's delivered the biggest improvement in living standards to the largest number of people in the fastest time in history.

Not bad.


But by 2010, it wasn't enough because there were still 100 million people living in abject poverty mostly in the west, in rural areas but in pockets all over the country.

Today, I'm glad to say that's no longer the case. During the past few years anyone living in extreme poverty in China was offered the opportunity of a lifetime. They would be relocated from their remote rural communities they'd be able to leave the extremely harsh economic circumstances they were living in and move to newly built communities where they would be given a place to live, hospitalization and education for their kids, job creation so that they could learn to fend for themselves and look after themselves.

We track those people that had been given a huge lifeline after living a life of abject poverty. They took the opportunity which required a huge amount of bravery. I don't think I could do it.


It was a very emotional series, but for a filmmaker, there's nothing quite as satisfying as being able to make a film with a happy ending and this series showed that people with nothing left to hope for were suddenly given the freedom to dream. It's 100 million people newly liberated joining society with all their energy, their optimism, their enthusiasm and their will to succeed. All those people came online, if you will, on stream to join the Chinese community. And this happened in less than a decade.

A Long Cherished Dream was a series that showed

what could happen when the political will existed to make it happen.


Now I'll conclude by saying that my hope for myself is that I can continue to be what Baudelaire called a flaneur an unbiased observer showing the world how Chinese people confront and embrace these huge changes that are happening while struggling to live more meaningful and productive lives.


Although the drums may roll and the dogs may bark the caravan that is China I think will still proceed and progress and move on successfully. Because from everything I've seen during the time I've spent in your country there's nothing to match it, and quite honestly there's nothing to catch it.

Thank you!

标签: 中国人 中国 china
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